Badugi is a poker game where each player is dealt four cards and the lowest hand wins. Badugi is also the strongest hand that has four cards of different rank and suit. The game can be played by two to six players. It is played with 52 card deck containing no jokers. Ace is always low card.
The game consists of initial bank formation by the blinds, four betting rounds, three draws and showdown.
Before a game starts the player on the dealer's left posts a small blind, and the player on the small blind's left posts a big blind bet. Big blind is usually twice the size of the small blind bet.
Each player gets four hole cards, cards that the other players cannot see. The player on the big blind's left begins a round of betting. Players can change as few as zero or as many as all the four cards in their hand.
The player on the dealer's left begins a round of betting. Players can change as few as zero or as many as all the four cards in their hand.
The player on the dealer's left begins a round of betting. Players can change as few as zero or as many as all the four cards in their hand.
The player on the dealer's left begins a round of betting. When all bets get equal, it is time to show the cards. The last player who bets or raises durin the final betting round shows his cards first. The other players reveal their cards moving clockwise around the table. The player with the best hand wins the pot.
The worst hand in Badugi is К-К-К-К.