Bankroll management

How to manage your bankroll

If you want to make proper estimation of the concept of ”bankroll management“, you should initially understand what a bankroll is. It means the amount of money that you use in the game. This is only working capital, you should not include money that is supposed to be taken off. Bankroll management is a method of bank management based on minimizing risks and financial losses.

Form the size of bankroll

First of all, when deciding on the size of a bankroll, the limit and the type of poker has the meaning. So, in limit Hold'em, the amount of BB determines the value of the bankroll. Determine your attitude to poker. The size of the bankroll varies depending on who you are:

  • beginning player;
  • the average poker player;
  • professional.

If the game for you is a source of earnings, then the bankroll should start with 550 big blinds. For a player who receives a stable profit from poker, but for which this income is not determinative, the bankroll should start from 400 big blinds. For a new player, there are enough 250 big blinds - this will be an ideal bankroll.

A poker beginner who plays on a limit of $0,05/0,1 should have a bankroll of $25. If the amount is less, you will quickly lose everything. If you play no limited Hold'em, then the bankroll is formed on the base of counting of buy-ins.

  • an unprotected bankroll will be equal to 15 buy-ins;
  • protected - 25;
  • professional - 50.

Bankroll in tournaments

The bankroll of poker players in tournaments should be determined by the number of contributions. Features of the definition of bankroll will be formed, based on the type of tournament. For example, for S'N'G tournaments, the bankroll is calculated in following way:

  • weak bankroll - 20 contributions;
  • protected - 45 contributions;
  • professional - 65 contributions.

In MTT tournaments, these figures increase to 40, 100 and 200 contributions, accordingly.

Change of bankroll

Since your financial state at a certain point in the game is unstable, the amount of the bankroll must also change. Much depends on winrate - indicator of the success of the poker player. In attention should be taken:

  • number of competitors;
  • their and your style of the game;
  • psychological resistance to losses.

The latter factor is very important, because if you are unable to control emotions, many players begin to commit inadequate actions, as a result of driving themselves into a hole. The chosen limit and variety of poker is more important than the factors listed above. But you should also related to them with care, as they ultimately have an impact on the effectiveness of the game. If you have a little win rate, you should try to increase the bankroll and try to achieve success.

The process of transition to another limit

In a stable at winnings player, the bankroll size should grow as well. At some point you will have a desire to play at higher limits. However, it should be done in a timely manner. Imagine a situation from no-limit Hold'em with a secure bankroll. Suppose a poker player needs a bankroll of 400 big blinds. If the limit is 0,25/0,5 dollars, then the player will need 200 dollars.

Accordingly, for a limit of two times the bankroll will also have to increase to 400 dollars. But it is better to set a minimum amount in order to move to a larger limit. As a result, you will be able to stay with financial drops and play for a long time at this limit. Before increasing it, make sure:

  • in the success of their game;
  • in psychological comfort;
  • in the presence of funds for a bankroll.

Not always the poker player moves up in the getting of profit. Sometimes he falls into the ”black bar“. This should be monitored, correctly determining the size of the bankroll. If the bankroll, for example, has reached $150, lower the limits of the game. Do not count on the return of the lost at the current limit - you will only make it worse.

Tilt and his danger

The loss of psychological concentration almost leads to losses. Usually it happens after you systematically lose. In these case you can not count on the emotions - mobilize your will and play correctly. Tilt is often called a bankroll killer. This because a poker player, getting into a tilt, forgets about bankroll management. A player who is in a tilt must:

  • keep self-control;
  • do not ignore bankroll management;
  • correctly determine the limit of the game.

But tilt also carries a positive aspect - if you notice this condition in your opponent. If the player tries to avoid big bets, constantly complains - there is a possibility that he got into tilt. Try to use a bluff against such player - it will probably be in your trap.