The Heads-Up Display (HUD) in poker is a feature that displays real-time information about players right at the poker table.
With the built-in HUD at Pokerbet, after 10 hands you can already understand your opponent's style of play by the icon next to their nickname and its colour.
There are 5 icons for different types of players:
Nit is a very tight player. Rarely participates in hands, waiting for a very strong hand.
Rock is tight and passive player. Plays hands passively. More often calls other people's bets than raises. If they raise, it's with a very strong hand.
Shark is a tight-aggressive player. Plays most strong hands aggressively and is not afraid to raise.
Autoresponder is a loose-passive player. Passively plays many hands, including weak hands. Often calls other people's bets to watch the flop.
Maniac is a loose-aggressive player. Aggressively plays most hands, including weak ones. More often raises or re-raises opponents than calls. Also bluffs a lot.
The colour of the icon corresponding to a player's style shows how a player behaves on the flop and in later rounds of betting:
Blue indicates low aggression (the player bets post-flop less than 30% of the time).
White indicates optimal aggression (30-60% of bets on the flop and later streets).
Gold indicates high aggression (betting frequency above 60%).
In addition, the inbuilt animation will allow you to highlight players who have been particularly lucky or unlucky in the last 10 hands: a burning fire will show players who have won 3 or more big pots in the last 10 hands, and players who have lost at least 3 big pots will be seen by the freezing animation.
If you hover over one of the icons described above, you will see a text description of the style of play to which it corresponds. And if you click on the nickname, you will see detailed statistics of the player for the current session, which includes the following indicators:
VPIP — how often the player voluntarily puts money in the pot before the flop (bet or call). A high VPIP indicates that the player plays a lot of hands, while a low VPIP indicates the opposite.
PFR — how often a player raises (raises) pre-flop. This is an indicator of aggressiveness.
3bet — how often a player raises (raises after a raise) pre-flop. Indicates how much the player tends to play aggressively against raises.
AFq — total aggression of the player post-flop (after the release of common board cards). The higher it is, the more often the player bets and raises on the flop and after it.
Hands — number of played hands per session.
Win — the total win or loss of the player in the current session.
It is important to remember that to get reliable statistics it is necessary to play a sufficient number of hands against your opponent. The more hands played, the more accurate the stats will be.
The HUD is a useful tool, but you should not rely on it alone. It is important to take into account other factors such as table position, bet size, game progress, etc.