What is backing in poker

Backing in poker is investing money in a poker player. Backers, as investors are called, provide financial support to a player to get a portion of their earnings. Typically, backers in poker invest in the poker players who are able to win at significant limits, but do not have their own large bankroll. Backing is most commonly used in tournaments, while cash players use backing much less frequently.

Types of backing

Backing in poker can be full and partial. Depending on the contract option and the scheme of shares distribution, Texas Holdem is played by investing with the coefficient and kickback. More commonly, the investor and player agree to reach a certain profit or range.

Full Backing

Full poker backing is a type of deal where the poker player plays entirely for the investor's money, receiving an agreed portion of the profit. The contract can be concluded for a day, a certain number of hands or tournaments.

This kind of sponsorship is chosen by the poker players who want to minimize the risks completely, and a certain amount for winning is enough for them.

Partial Backing

If the poker player takes a part of the package price from the backer, and pays off the rest on their own, this is partial backing in poker. The profit is divided proportionally based on the percentage of shares sold by the player.

For example, 50% was invested for a package, half of the net profit stays with the poker player, and the other half goes to the shareholders.

Backing with a kickback

Many poker players wonder what a kickback in poker is? This way of backing is a scheme of selling shares, when the backer pays for the poker player only the booked percentage of the package, with no additional payments. The main advantage of this type of investment is its simplicity. The disadvantage is that backing with kickbacks provides no stability to either the backer or the shareholders.

Example of Calculating Backing with Kickback:

- A package is worth $10,000. The player sets the kickback at 10%, the backer buys 30% of the package for $3,000.
- After the package wagering, the net profit is $30,000.
- Since the initial kickback was set at 10%, the poker player gives the investor 30% of the winnings minus the $2.7 thousand kickback.
- The investor's net income is $5.1 thousand.
- The maximum kickback the player can set is 50%.

Backing with coefficient

This is the most common cooperation scheme. The player can sell a share in a tournament, choosing the percentage of return that suits them if they win. The coefficient can range from one to one and a half percent. This is the part that the investor will have to give away from their profit.

Such backing in poker can both enrich the sponsor and lead to a loss. The deal will not pay off if the player goes even into a small minus. If the poker player plays the whole tournament, but earns less than the planned sum, the sponsor will be in profit. They will get back the amount of the buy-in and the coefficient. Sponsoring poker stakes under this type of agreement should only be done if the high roller is reliable.

How to engage in backing.

There are backing trading boards on many of the thematic forums. Here, poker players post offers, letting you know on which platform they are going to play. More often the players from Ukraine choose Pokerbet as this poker room is a leader on the Ukrainian market, it has a high traffic, convenient software and weak field. In addition, the player specifies the tournaments and conditions of profit sharing with backers.

There are a number of requirements for backers and poker players

Requirements for the investor

- A bankroll of sufficient size to minimize the possibility of bankruptcy.
- An impeccable reputation in the poker community.
- The ability to really assess the poker player's strength, on which their own profits depend.

Requirements for the player

- The ability to play without getting into minus and making profits over a long period of time.

How to make a good backing offer

A successful poker share sale depends on how properly the player advertises themselves. The offer should include:

-The title part. This describes the tournament or series for which shares are being sold.
-Information about yourself - a brief description of their career achievements in poker, statistics.
-Commercial offer. Here the name of the tournament and the room, for example Pokerbet or another room, holding the contest are indicated. In the description it is necessary to specify the cost of one percent of the package.
-Methods of payment when purchasing shares and paying out profit. More often the same payment method is used so that there is no confusion.
-Information on where you can buy shares in poker and on what terms is published on the forums of rooms, in the backing section.
- Simple tips for selling shares.
- In order to sell shares, it is necessary to have a certain reputation. No one will buy a share from a beginner. Hang out on thematic forums, comment and boast about your achievements.
- You can share your achievements on your own blog.
- It is almost impossible to find a backer for players with a bad reputation.
- In order for a poker player to be successful, you need to keep in touch with the investor, inform them about the competitions in which you are going to participate. Try to offer mutually beneficial conditions of poker backing, so that you do not have to play the tournament at your own expense.
- When selling a package to several investors, publish a list of backers, their shares.
- When playing a package of several tournaments, inform the backers of all the results.

Now you know what backing poker is. Whether to use it or not - each player decides for themselves. If you have honed your skills and are confident in your abilities, but your bankroll does not allow you to participate in expensive tournaments, backing poker is what you need.