Styles of the game

Playing poker for a long time, you probably noticed that each player is characterized by his own style. In some, it is explicit and formal, others play chaotically and unpredictably. You sure noticed certain patterns in your behavior, too. It can be a frequent fold with weak starting hands or conversely. It is important to determine the basic styles and figure out which one is the best to resort when to play poker.

Poker players are divided into four categories. Depending on the increase in rates, they can be passive and aggressive, if we talk about the frequency of entry into the game they can be loose and tight. Each of the categories in turn can also be shared.

Features of an aggressive type of poker game

Players who adhere to the aggressive style of the game are able to respond to bets and raise them even with weak hands. Such player has several chances to win. Firstly, answering with weak hands, poker players with aggressive style are often able to immediately make a good raise, as a result of which all others are folded. This allows an aggressive player to get a small bank. But it must be taken into account that such tactics only work in the case of passive players. Playing at the table with the same aggressive rivals, you should expect them to call on your own raise. Therefore, it is so important to consider who you are playing with.

The second chance of winning aggressive player is given in case of getting a good hand on the flop. Otherwise, you can count on a bluff, which is acceptable only for players with a passive style.

For aggressive style there are several significant advantages. First of all, a player with this style of game is very difficult to calculate. The bet he made does not provide an opportunity to find out whether he really has a good hand or is just a bluff. Moreover, his rivals remain at a loss as to whether the flop came up or not.

As for the most aggressive player, he is on the contrary, as much as possible informed about the opponents. For example, if player with a passive style of game responded to his raise, then it makes sense to say that he has really good cards. Given this, it is necessary to think carefully whether it is worth continuing bidding and applying the old strategy.

For the aggressive style are typically drawbacks, too. The player will often have to play against stronger hands. In addition, the flop often requires to made the complex decisions. Therefore, aggressive style requires the player to have strong nerves.

Passive type of the game: advantages and disadvantages

Passive style of the game is completely different from aggressive. Raising the rates of passive players occurs only if he has really strong hands. This player is much easier to make decisions on the flop. Passive players make a minimal risk.

You should talk about the shortcomings of this style. The actions of passive players are much easier to predict. If the opponents notice that the passive player is raising only with strong hands, they will simply stop responding.

Features of the tight and loose style of the game

According to the tight style of the game, the start of trading occurs when there are strong starting hands. A tight player has a regular loss of small amounts in the blind. However, his winnings completely cover losses of this nature. This type is ideal for playing with aggressive opponents.

Loose type of the game - the exact opposite of the tight and is aimed at getting a small bank with very tight players. To play this way, you need to have a lot of experience and subtly understand rivals.

Given that for each of these styles are inherent in their advantages and disadvantages, it is difficult to determine the best option. Winning style of the game must consist of several types of the styles and player must with experience apply them depending on the situation.